App Modernization

Enterprises today are increasingly prioritizing App Modernization as a strategic imperative to remain competitive and agile. Legacy applications, weighed down by outdated technology and architecture, impose severe limitations on scalability, agility, and security. App Modernization yields concrete benefits, such as enabling seamless integration with third-party systems, harnessing the latest technologies, improving workflow efficiency, enhancing data security, reducing operational costs, elevating user experiences, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. It empowers organizations to meet customer demands for seamless digital experiences, adapt quickly to market changes, and gain a competitive edge

Celebal Technologies offers highly tailored modernization services to meet the unique needs of each organization. Our expertise encompasses consolidating, re-architecting, migrating, replacing, and automating data centers and IT systems. We specialize in transforming monolithic legacy applications into agile cloud-based solutions, ensuring that your modernization efforts are precisely aligned with your business objectives.

Why Modernize?


App Modernization Strategies: Transforming Apps, Empowering Business



Move your applications to Azure quickly without any risks or costs of making code changes, allowing you to benefit from Azure's scalability and infrastructure.



Opt to replatform your applications, making necessary adjustments for compatibility with Azure's cloud environment while minimizing major code changes, providing a middle-ground approach between rehosting and refactoring.



Optimize your applications by repacking them with design changes and leveraging Azure's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) capabilities for improved performance.



Modernize your applications into resilient and highly scalable versions by thoroughly redesigning them and utilizing Azure's Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings.



Create innovative, cloud-native applications from scratch on Azure, eliminating the expense and complexity of maintaining software licenses.



Transition from on-premises applications to Azure Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, reducing management overhead while benefiting from pre-built cloud-based solutions.

How we help you Modernize


Lift and Shift with VMs

Quickly migrate apps to Azure VMs, maintaining their current architecture while gaining scalability and high availability benefits.


Containerization with AKS

Simplify app modernization by breaking down monolithic apps into microservices using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


Serverless with Azure Functions

Focus solely on coding with serverless computing using Azure Functions, ideal for event-driven and batch processing scenarios.


Azure App Service

Streamline web app modernization with Azure's fully managed platform, supporting multiple languages and frameworks, and eliminating server management concerns.


Database Modernization

Enhance performance and security by migrating on-premises databases to Azure SQL Database, reducing management overhead.


Azure DevOps

Automate build, test, and release pipelines with Azure DevOps, promoting collaboration between development and operations teams to accelerate application modernization.


Our App Modernization Success Stories


A General Insurance Company facing performance issues with its monolithic application switched to a microservices architecture deployed on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS). During peak loads, the monolithic app caused downtime and customer dissatisfaction. The shift to microservices enabled dynamic scaling, ensuring smooth performance during high-traffic periods. Azure Functions, integrated with Azure Blob and Azure SQL, automate processes, eliminating manual intervention.


Unlock the future of your business with App Modernization.
Book a 30-minute Strategic Session with our IT Experts to Know How!